Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 12: Clear/ VoIP

Image taken from
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is useful in many ways. VoIP lets one make voice calls using broadband Internet instead of a phone line. A person speaks into a microphone attached to you computer; your voice is then converted to compressed digital data stream; the data is transmitted across any IP network; data that is transmitted is received, converted into sound, then sent to audio output devices. Examples of VoIP are Skype and Vonage.

VoIP is used in many businesses today. It is a good way for National and International Companies to communicate, have business meetings, and present ideas. Some VoIP systems allow the use of video, such as Skype. Without this new technology many companies would not be as successful. They would not be able to expand their consumers or products across the globe.

The link below takes you to a Web site that answers questions and explains more about voice over internet protocol:

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