Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 3: Clear/ Motherboard

There are many pieces that make up a computer. One of the main and most important pieces that ties the whole computer together is the motherboard. The motherboard in a computer is like a circuit board. Every other component can be mounted onto the motherboard which allows them to receive power and communicate with one another.  Most motherboard systems have a microprocessor and main memory. Devices that are not already on the motherboard can be attached by plug-in cards or cables.

The motherboard is especially important to the business world. This allows businesses to add and take away devices on a computer. It is also very convenient if a piece breaks, you do not have to buy another computer you can just replace that piece on the motherboard.

The link above explains the motherboard and includes pictures of what a motherboard looks likes. The very first motherboard had only a processor and card slot. Many users only plugged in components such as a floppy drive controllers and memory into the slots. As you can see the motherboard has come a long way since then.

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